Annual supply of oral beta lactam antibiotics in Mauritius

Ministry of health and quality of life invitation for BID

Authorized under section 16(1) of the Public Procurement Act 2006


Bids on appropriate forms are invited from local and overseas manufacturer, registered Wholesale pharmacies and overseas firms for the ANNUAL SUPPLY OF ORAL BETA LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS

  1. Other details of the requirements and conditions are contained in the bidding documents.
  2. The bidding documents will be available free of charge on the portal of the Procurement Policy Office website
  3. Any clarifications sought by any bidder in respect of the items to be procured shall be addressed in writing to the Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Health and Quality of Life, 10th Floor, Emmanuel Anquetil Building, Port Louis, Fax: 2116850/2116864 to reach him at least twenty-one (21) days before the deadline for the submission of bids and reply thereto will be made within 5 days
  4. Bids in sealed envelope clearly marked “ANNUAL SUPPLY OF ORAL BETA LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS -TENDER: – MHPQ/PHARM/2017-2018/Q4 OAB” and indicating the closing date should be addressed to the Senior Chief Executive and deposited in the Tender Box or sent by mail/courier at the under- mentioned address on or before Wednesday 20 September 2017 up to 10.00 hours (local time) at latest. Please insert your name and address at the back of the envelope.

Senior Chief Executive

Ministry of Health and Quality of Life

Tender Box

5th floor Emmanuel

Anquetil Building Port Louis

  1. Bids will be opened in the Conference Room of the Ministry of Health and Quality of life on the same day at 10.15 hrs. in the presence of bidders/bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.
  2. The Ministry of Health and Quality of Life reserves the right to cancel the tender exercise as per provision at Section 39(1) of the Public Procurement Act 2006.

Ministry of Health and Quality of Life

Emmanuel Anquetil Building Port Louis

21 August 2017