Construction of Tertiary Pipelines and Reticulation Systems in Lesotho

Invitation for Bids


MINISTRY OF WATER – Department of Rural Water Supply Construction of Lowlands Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project Construction of Tertiary Pipelines and Reticulation Systems in the Maseru District.

Loan No.: ADB LOAN NO: 2100150029896

IFB No: LRWSSP/W/BER & MSU/2017-Zone 3 (Lot V) & Zone 20 (Lot VI)

  1. This Invitation for Bids (IFB) follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) for this Project that appeared in United Nations Development Business online (UNDB online) No. AfDB752-11/13 of 21st November 2013, and on the African Development Bank’s Internet Website ( ).
  2. The Government of Lesotho has received a loan from the African Development Bank towards the cost of Construction of Lowlands Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project. It is intended that part of the proceeds of this loan will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for Construction of Tertiary Pipelines and Reticulation Systems in the Maseru District.
  3. The Government of Lesotho through the Ministry of Water now invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders for the Construction and completion of Lowlands Rural Water Supply and Sanitation facilities in Berea District (hereinafter called « the Works”). The works under consideration are located in Senekane (Zone 3) and Manonyane (Zone 20) Community councils and consist of pipework from the Metolong Dam Conveyance System to Zonal Reservoirs and reticulation mains from these reservoirs. Below is the scope of work of two zones
Zone Zone 3 – Lot V Zone 20 – Lot VI
Location Ha Lebajoa (Lat29.15°S, Long 27.43°E) St. Michael (Lat29.25°S, Long 27.40°E)
Install pipework
• Medium duty Steel 100mm dia 2.26km
• HDPE 25mm to 75mm dia. 10.9 km 26.66km
• uPVC 75mm to 250mm dia. 7.03 km 5,38km
Pressed Steel Reservoirs 1 No. 275 m3 1 No. 375m3
  1. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the Bidding Documents at the headquarters of the Department of Rural Water Supply (DRWS) at the address given below during office hours (08h00 to 16h15), Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.
  2. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested bidders from DRWS headquarters, Maseru, at a non-refundable fee of LSL5, 000 (Five Thousand Maloti only). The method of payment shall be cash for local companies and those foreign companies that have representatives in Lesotho. Foreign companies can contact the Department of Rural Water Supply at the details given below for banking details for the purposes of purchasing Bidding Documents. Clarification requests on bidding documents will be allowed only up to two weeks prior to bid submission deadline.
  3. There will be a Pre-Bid meeting at 09:00h at DRWS Headquarters followed by a Site Visit on Thursday July 27, 2017.
  4. Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Works, Smaller Contracts. Bidders shall have the option of bidding for either one or both of the two Lots based on capacity.
  5. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before the 14th September 2017 at 3:00 pm and must be accompanied by a bid security of M100, 000.00 for each lot or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency.
  6. The bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ représentatives who choose to attend at 3:00pm on 14th September 2017 in the Boardroom of DRWS at the Headquarters Building.

Department of Rural Water Supply (DRWS) Headquarters, Moshoeshoe Road, Industrial Site, Maseru, Lesotho;

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